June 4: The Day of the Lord

As we emerge from the Fifty Days of the Easter Season, today’s Feast of the Holy Trinity encourages us to remember “the God” revealed to us in the Sacred Scriptures. This Feast invites us to approach the unapproachable and imagine what is beyond us. We are invited to wonder what God is like – not because there are clear answers, but because there are none. Heaven knows, we have tried all sorts of images: omnipotent Creator, Artisan who made us, the One who walks and talks with Abraham, the God of fire with a voice of thunder, and the consoling stranger on the road to Emmaus.

Through all of these various images, the Spirit leads us to remember God’s self-description in the Book of Exodus (34, 4-9) as a God who is “merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and rich in kindness and fidelity.” No wonder Moses wanted God to come along with that unruly crowd of our ancestors he was leading – because this is a God of communal love, who creates in order to share that love.

The Father and the Son have sent the Holy Spirit among us to fill us with mercy, to keep us gracious, slow to anger, and rich in kindness … and to shape us more profoundly into the very image of God revealed in Jesus Christ. God took on human flesh so that we might “see” what is unseen, and begin to imagine what is beyond us. He is the God whose Spirit (now in us) continues to be revealed by what we do and by what we say in the name of His only Son. May all honor and glory be His, now and forever. Amen.

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