June 12: The Holy Trinity

Speaking on Trinity Sunday in Rome, Pope Francis said that celebrating the Trinity is “not so much a theological exercise, but a revolution in our way of life. God, in whom each person lives for the other in a continual relationship, in continual rapport, not for Himself, provokes us to live with others and for others.” The Holy Father added, “We should be asking ourselves if our life truly reflects the God we believe in. God, after all, is the author of life and He is transmitted not so much through books as through witness of life. He, who ‘is love’ (1 Jn 4, 16), reveals Himself through love. The Trinity, then, teaches that we are not islands, we are in the world to live in God’s image: open, in need of others, and in need of helping others.”

Let us pray. “O most Holy Trinity, we adore you who dwell by your grace in our souls. Sanctify us more and more, help us love you more and more, abide with us evermore, and be our true and lasting joy. Amen.”

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