June 11-12: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

Still riding the wave, so to speak, of “the Feast that does not end” (Pentecost), we will gather this weekend to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

Who has not wondered and reflected on what it means to be made in the image and likeness of the almighty and Triune God? This Feast, however, is not an occasion to dig into great theological ideas about “three-in-one” and “one-in-three,” or “Undivided Trinity,” as the hymn goes. Neither is it a time to study the nature and relationship of Jesus, or the one He calls “The Father,” or the Spirit (Advocate) He speaks of at the Last Supper. Those are for classrooms and theological lectures. We will gather this weekend for “liturgy,” the work of the Church. We will gather to praise, to bless, to adore, to glorify, and to give thanks to God! The simple fact is that we do all of these things best by being who we are as the faithful disciples of Jesus, by gathering together as He told us (to “do this” in remembrance of Him), and by being members of His Church.

Be sure to look at the Scripture readings for the Mass of the Holy Trinity before you come to church. You will find in them the “intimacy” with which God relates to us, a kind of unspoken and awesome wonder in which the love of God (among us) conquers all things. That love holds us up, it is revealed in joy, and it renews, restores, and recreates what God began on the first day of creation.

We are invited to celebrate “relationships” today because of the Trinity. We are invited to celebrate all that holds us together: our stories, our woes, our sorrows, and our joys. Most of all, we are invited to celebrate our faith in the God who is and always will be Father, Son, and Spirit. It is a terrific opportunity to be together for “liturgy,” and it will get even better if we reach out to and hold on to both those we love and those who love us.

Let us pray. “God our Father, you made known the mystery of your love by sending us your Word of Truth and your Spirit of Holiness. Grant that we may come to acknowledge your eternal glory and adore your unity. Through Christ our Lord and by the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.”


The Scriptures: Proverbs 8, 22-31; Psalm 8; Romans 5, 1-5; and John 16, 12-15


Parish Announcements:

Sunday morning (from 10 to 12) we will have the first (of three) “Family, Faith, and Fun” events, in between the Sunday Masses. Grab a flyer (at the main entrance)  or check out the weekly bulletin for all the info you’ll need.

We congratulate our (former)  8th grade class at Holy Cross Catholic School which has now graduated and all those who have graduated or will soon graduate (this season).

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