July 30: The Day of the Lord

Most of the time, we chase false treasures such as money, status or pleasure. Often, we are locked into regrets over the past, or focused too much on the future. As a result, the enriching “present moment” passes us by, and the treasure of that moment is never discovered.  Thus, the really valuable pearl of sharing in God’s life through Jesus, here on earth (and later in Heaven), is never found.

Let us always remember that Heaven is within the reach of all of us who try to do the will of God, following the ordinary vocations of our lives and enjoying this world’s joys and pleasures within the framework of God’s Commandments. Right now, it is for us to use the time given to us, each moment of each day, to go in search of the pearl of great price and to help others in their search. We are constantly  challenged to search and discern where the Lord is calling us – so that we may know what path to take. 

Let us always remember, too, that the pearl of great price in this life is also found in our human relationships: a happy family, good friends, and people who love and accept us, even in our imperfection.


A story is told of a wealthy socialite who traveled to Europe in the 1920’s with several friends. Her husband stayed home and tended to the family’s successful business. While in Paris she found a fur coat that was the most beautiful she had ever seen. She sent a telegram to her husband that said, “Have found the perfect coat for only $50,000. What do you think?” He responded immediately with a telegram saying, “No, price too high.” Imagine his surprise when she returned home with that $50,000 coat. The angry husband said, “Didn’t you get my telegram?” “Yes,” she said, “and here it is.” The husband had forgotten to put a comma after the word “No.” 

For all of us to ponder this week: when it comes to life in the Kingdom and when, through Jesus, we catch a glimpse of how wonderful life in the Kingdom is and always will be, indeed, there really is no price too high to pay.

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