July 23: The Day of the Lord

As we have heard before, the Scripture readings for the Sunday Mass have been chosen so that there is always an intimate link between the first reading and the Gospel. This is seen with special clarity this weekend. The first reading from the Book of Wisdom (12, 13. 16-19) reminds us just how merciful and patient God is. This runs headlong into the childhood image so many of us still carry – of the angry, disciplining, and punishing God. The Responsorial Psalm (85) echoes this sentiment: “Lord, you are good and forgiving!”

Through the parables He tells us (in Matthew 13), Jesus assures us that we are the field of God. We are the ground He works as well as the plants He nurtures. We are the people He rests His hopes upon and the people in whom He plants good seed.  We are the people He anoints with the Holy Spirit. 

Specifically, Jesus’ parable of the “weeds and the wheat” presents a wise and patient God who allows the good and the evil to coexist in the world, so that the evil ones may come to conversion. God gives all of us ample time to repent, and, with His grace, change our lives.

God calmly recognizes that there is evil in the world, but He sees that evil as no excuse for the good people not to do good with the power of God at our disposal. As always, Jesus calls us to be patient with those who fail, or seem to fail, to meet the high ethical standard expected of a Christian. The parable also teaches the need for tolerance, patience, and the acceptance of “God’s way” of working in the world, in and through others and ourselves.

For this week: Are we willing to let our merciful and patient God “reign” in our hearts and direct our actions – all of them? How will we spread God’s saving grace far and wide this week? Are we ready, for example, to “give flesh” to the Spiritual Works of Mercy?

  • Admonish the sinner. (Give correction to those who need it.)
  • Instruct the ignorant. (Share our knowledge with others.)
  • Counsel the doubtful. (Give advice to those who need it.)
  • Comfort the sorrowful. (Comfort those who suffer.)
  • Bear wrongs patiently. (Be patient with others.)
  • Forgive all injuries. (Forgive those who hurt us.)
  • Pray for the living and the dead.
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