July 13: Open and Receptive

Jesus knew that ordinary people with big, sensitive hearts, rather than proud intellectuals like the Scribes and the Pharisees, were able accept the “Good News” which He preached. He promises that big-hearted people will inherit Heaven rather than the learned and the wise who pride themselves on their intellectual achievements and are full of themselves, so to speak. Hence, on at least a couple of occasions Jesus prays, thanking and praising God His Father for revealing Himself to the child-like.

Isn’t it true that in order to trust in God’s presence and in order to hear the Gospel clearly we have to be open and receptive? Our salvation is God’s gift to us and we are invited receive it like a child might: with joy and gratitude. Each and every day, we are called to love Jesus more, experience His presence in our daily lives, look for His face in everyone around us, and surrender our lives to Him by rendering humble service to our neighbors.

Let  us pray. “Almighty God, help the growth of and bring to perfection in our hearts the spirit of adoption as your sons and daughters, that we may enter into the inheritance which you have promised. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

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