July 12: Called to be Faithful

Did Jesus always have “success” in His ministry? The Gospels, Matthew 11, 20-24, for example, show us that those to whom He ministered were sometimes closed off to His message and even His “mighty works.” Towns like Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum were called to task because they were unmoved by the grace and gift that Jesus sought to give them. Near the end of His earthly life, Jesus also called Jerusalem to task for its lack of faith (Luke 19, 41-44). The people’s unwillingness to open their hearts brought Jesus to tears. But none of these experiences discouraged Jesus. We can take heart from His steadfast commitment to carrying out the plan His Father had given Him. As Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, “We are not called to be successful, just faithful.”

Let us pray. “O God, help us to recognize how frequently we are blind or inattentive to the wonders your Son is working in our lives. Open our minds and our hearts to the love which others share with us and the love we share with them – these are signs of your Son’s abiding and life-giving presence among us. Help us to recognize the goodness that surrounds us and the continued “success” of the mission of your Son. We pray for the grace of perseverance and we ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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