January 9: How Important is Prayer for Us?

“He went away to pray alone….”

There are several moments in the Gospels when Jesus withdraws from the crowds and even His disciples in order to pray (alone). Occasionally, He would use this time to prepare for an important task, to recharge after having done something important, or in order to teach His disciples about the importance of prayer. He would also pray in order to allow His inner relationship and His loving obedience to the Father to increase. Apparently, prayer for Jesus was as important to Him as His teaching and healing.

How important it prayer for us? Is it as vital for us as it was for Jesus? Couldn’t we make the case that it is even more important for us? After all, we need the Lord if we are to live as He wants us to live. We need Him if we are going to share (in some way) in the His work. In prayer, we express our dependence on God and we open ourselves up to grace. This is so vitally important if we are to be channels of His grace to others.

Let us pray. “O Christ, light of light, brightness indescribable, the Wisdom, power, and glory of God the Father, the Word made flesh: you overcame the forces of evil, redeemed the world, ascended to the Father, and sent your Spirit among us. Grant us, we pray, your abundant grace. Send your Angels and Saints to surround us, to defend us, and to guide us. You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.”



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