January 3: The Holy Name of Jesus

January 3rd marks the Church’s Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. It is a perfect day on which to strengthen our connection to the beautiful name of the Lord. All names are to be treated with respect. And a name is an emblem of one’s dignity, but the name of Jesus in particular should be held in the highest regard – spoken and heard only in a sacred way. More specifically, the beautiful name “Jesus” means “God saves.” So the name of Jesus is not only the name of the Savior, but also, by its meaning, it states the purpose of His existence – reminding us of the incredible blessing of our salvation. Let us, therefore, give that name great honor!

When you pray “the Lord’s Prayer” today, pay special attention to these words: “hallowed be thy Name” (or “holy is your Name”). Make a proposition to live according to that teaching: helping to keep holy the name of God always and everywhere.

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