January 20: Something Different

In order to renew one’s vehicle registration in Oregon, a trip to a Department of Environmental Quality test-location is required. It is there that a “clean or dirty emissions” test is done; one’s car passes or fails, it is approved or not approved for driving. What if we had the same standard for our spiritual life? Might we need a regular reminder that our prayer life needs a test and a tune-up?
Might we need to check to see if our filters need a thorough cleaning? Does whatever is clogging up our engine need to be addressed? Do we need to check what is fueling the engine of our wellbeing? Do we need a spark to start us up again when our prayer life won’t turn over? Are we willing to do regular maintenance or just wait for the next crisis to come upon us?

Let us pray. “O God, filter all the spiritual air we breathe and keep far from our hearts what keeps us far from you. Help us not cling to the old timing belts that are worn and prone to failure. Top us off each day so that we may continue this long journey home. We need the holy oil of your grace to keep us running smoothly and cleanly … in thought, in word, and in deed. Come to our aid with your blessing and help us maintain a life of abundant grace. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

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