January 19: Goodness Is Its Own Reward

The Bible and the teachings of the Church say, unambiguously, that we should live life fully, and with a sense of justice and compassion towards our neighbor. This can often mean speaking out against evil and injustice, even at a cost to ourselves.

Jesus’ life shows clearly that good works do not always bring their proper reward in this life. It is a strange paradox, but one that is often true in life, that good can sometimes provoke a hostile or even an evil response. The truth is that the goodness demonstrated by  some brings out the bad in others. Yet Jesus consistently teaches us that goodness is its own reward. He Himself persisted in the good work that God gave Him to do, regardless of the reaction of anyone else, especially the authorities of His day.

We, too, try to be faithful to what is right, because it is what God wants of us and not because of any praise it might bring us. We, too, want to remain faithful to our calling to share in God’s work of bringing healing, hope, and life to others, no matter what it may cost.

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