January 15: Yearning for Life and Desiring to See Good Days

We recently received another hope-filled message from our friends and brothers at Mt. Angel Abbey. Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, a mentor for Fr. Mark many years ago, sent this, addressing these very difficult times we are in right now as a nation.

In the Prologue of the Holy Rule, Saint Benedict says, “Seeking His workmen in a multitude of people, the Lord calls out to him and lifts His voice saying, ‘Is there anyone here who yearns for life and desires to see good days?’”

As human beings, we should yearn for life and desire to see good days. The Lord has planted that desire in us. God intends for us to live well and to enjoy our days. But how can we achieve this good life? Saint Benedict tells us, “If you desire true and eternal life, then keep your tongue free from vicious talk and your lips from all deceit. Turn away from evil and do good. Let peace be your quest and your aim.”

This advice is quite practical. If you want “good days,” keep your tongue from vicious talk. Seek peace. This is about human relationships and how we relate to one another. It is a theme that permeates the whole Rule of Saint Benedict. In brief, though, in chapter 4 of the Rule, Saint Benedict lists 74 different practices that a monk should undertake, and one of them is simply this, “honor everyone.”

Do you desire life and long to see good days? Try then to be the first to honor and respect every person. What could be sweeter to us than the voice of the Lord who in His mercy shows us the way to life?

There are many resources available for an “entry level” exploration of the Rule of St. Benedict, including:


and https://catholicexchange.com/little-way-st-benedict

and https://www.mountangelabbey.org/monastery/monastery-life/



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