January 12-13: Preparing for the Celebration of Sunday’s Mass

As we return to the Ordinary Time of the Church’s year, we hear this weekend from St. John’s Gospel (1, 35-42). The Gospel text includes an invitation to Jesus’ first followers: “Come and see.” That invitation is made to us, too. We are forever responding to His call by following, listening, and remaining with Jesus. We do this because we believe that He is what we truly need, that He alone can satisfy our every spiritual longing.

The call to be a follower of Jesus, however, is just the beginning. Growing within the Body of Christ, the community of the Church which He established, is a lifelong process. Year by year, our understanding of what and who we are (because of Him) is fed by listening to the Scriptures, participating in the Sacraments, living His Gospel, and praying to our Creator. We do all of this with and through Christ. He is constantly calling us to new life.

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