January 11: Each New Day

For all of us who have made resolutions for the New Year and, perhaps, have already forgotten them or given up on them, here is some sage advice: “Let us begin anew!”

Each and every day of the year, we are called to look to Jesus. We are called, by Him, to spend ourselves in service of others: welcoming, sharing, listening, and remaining close to Him and to our neighbors. Yes, the pandemic weighs heavy upon us, but each new day offers us a chance to “begin anew” – with more humanity, looking to Jesus, and with hope in our hearts.

Let us pray. “Father, we come before you today asking for the precious gift of hope. Please calm our hearts and remind us of the joyful future you have in store for us. But keep us attentive to taking it one day at a time. Make us more loving and kind this day. Help us to walk in your light, and to live in faith and with willing service to our neighbors. You are the Giver of all gifts: fill us today with endless compassion and great love. In your Name we pray. Amen.”

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