Holy Cross Buddies

Many, many thanks to our friends at the Catholic Sentinel for telling the story of the Holy Cross Buddies. If you would like to participate in this effort, let us know at the parish office or give Jana Ripley a call at 503.289.8304. (Pictured at the right: the Fadden sisters, reaching out to their Buddies.)

Let us pray to God, who promises to carry and save us, even to our old age. Let us not neglect to petition God on the behalf of our elderly neighbors, our Seniors, who may themselves be growing weary, for every new morning is filled with God’s sufficient mercy. Join us as we pray…

  • for those who are living by themselves, without family close by, and experiencing the difficulties of aging.

Lord, we ask that you would be a source of comfort our elderly neighbors who find themselves living alone. Please grant them an intimate awareness of your presence, the knowledge that you go before them wherever they go, and  trust that they are never truly alone.

Lord, we pray that your Church would be hospitable to all of your people—particularly the elderly. Help us see the beauty and benefit of being in relationship and sharing life with our Seniors who have much to teach us. We pray for enduring, mutually beneficial relationships between us.

  • that we would not forget the many elderly who can’t do for themselves—that we would come alongside them to care for and support their needs.

Lord, we pray that you would soften our hearts—that you would stir us to love our elders in both word and deed. Move us toward action, help us to slow down, to take the time to offer care and assistance to those for whom daily life has become a struggle.

Lord, we know that you are a great healer, and we pray that you would grant our Seniors improved health, safe living conditions, and a supportive community that will continue to rally around them and shower them with love.

This is a must-read article: https://go.sentinel.org/2MxvEDJ


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