February 9: Breaking Through

Sometimes, an emphatic “no” comes in answer to our prayers. What’s up with that? Is it possible that the Lord says “no” for our protection, because it would be harmful for us to proceed ahead with our plans and not His? Is it possible that Jesus prefers that we do not get everything handed to us in an easy and effortless fashion?

Perhaps there are times in our lives when Jesus wants to help us break through the barriers, but we just stand there staring at the thick bricks, feeling their roughness, and that’s all we think about. Are we ever prone to being persistent and even clever in finding ways around the obstacles in our lives? Even when it comes to prayer, do we ever try a new direction, a different tactic, or a new reason for getting our prayers answered? Jesus is never interested in setting up walls (or any kind of division) when it comes to making our relationship with God our Father stronger.

Let’s remember that the Kingdom of God surpasses all human limitations. No prayer bounces off a brick wall forever! Even if we get tired of asking, maybe the Lord is offering us an opportunity to take a rest in the Father’s lap. It is vitally important to trust that we will reach the breakthrough we need. Look at how much He loves us and wants nothing but the good for us!

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