February 7: Living Without Fear

The Holy Word of God (Mark 7, 1-13, for example) is always reminding us of this: the importance of having an interior disposition toward God in our life. While rituals and traditions are good, they can only be helpful if our heart is oriented toward God. All the while, this interior disposition means little if it does not show itself in action. The purity that we are invited to as disciples of Jesus is one that emanates from our heart and is manifested by our love for our neighbor. Ironically, this might mean getting “dirty” or as Pope Francis says, “getting our shoes muddied.”

The faithfulness that the Word of the Lord advocates is one of being engaged with the messiness of our world, of fighting for justice and equity, of living without fear,  of advocating for peace and reconciliation, of respecting human life in all its forms, and of caring for the world we have been given.

Let us pray. “O God, our loving Creator, we give you thanks for all of the blessings of this life, especially for the gift of each new day. Help us to remember that every person is a treasure, every life a sacred gift. May everything we say and do bring about greater justice and peace in order to bring you honor and glory. We ask your blessings, in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.”

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