February 4: Reading the Gospels (part 1)

In a new book, “The Life of Jesus Christ,” the Catholic journalist Russell Shaw tells how a friend of his — a lifelong Catholic, active in his parish — sat down one day and read St. Matthew’s Gospel from beginning to end. It was the first time he had ever done that. He was excited, and surprised. “It’s telling a story!” the man exclaimed. Have you ever done such a thing, read a Gospel from beginning to end? Whether you have or not, give it a try.

We can read a portion each day, but the challenge will be to read it straight through. It might be a good idea to start with the Gospel according to St. Matthew, chapter 1, and continue reading every day until we get to the end of the Gospel of John. Then, we can give some thought to beginning the process again!

If we were to read a chapter each day, it would take us 89 days to complete all four of the Gospels. But even if we read less daily, the point is to spend time with Jesus every day and to get to know His story.

More to come tomorrow ….

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