February 14: Ash Wednesday / Miércoles de Ceniza

Jesus’ 40 days in the desert, preparing for His work and mission, provide a template for our experience of the 40 days of Lent. We are preparing for Easter, but we are also preparing for the work and mission the Lord has entrusted to us now and into the future.

How are we to prepare? The Gospel for Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6, 1-6. 16-18) suggests three areas of life than can help us prepare: prayer, fasting, and giving alms. These practices are common to all major religions, but, in practice, how are we to do these things? Each person needs to make his or her own choices, but here are some suggestions.

Prayer can include: taking part in daily Mass; setting aside a period for daily meditation or reflection; doing some Bible reading and study; stretching out a prayer-time you already have (like at meals).

Fasting (“doing without” or “giving something up”) can involve: food or drink, but shouldn’t be limited to those; why not try fasting from words that harm or from complaining or from tv or social media?

Almsgiving can include: using money saved from “giving up” something (like food) and redirecting it to helping those who do not have even necessities for life.

Each of these disciplines can help us become more aware of the needs of others. Each can help us to realize that real fulfillment comes in making a contribution to building others up and not tearing others down. After all, Lent is a time to become more aware of what life is about, to become more aware of how God wants us to use our lives and our many gifts. May this Ash Wednesday help us get off on the right foot, striving to use this holy season in a constructive and productive way.


Con la Misa de este día, Miércoles de Ceniza, damos comienzo al tiempo de Cuaresma – ese período de cuarenta días de preparación a la Pascua. Entramos en la profundidad de la Pasión de Cristo y nos acercamos a su Cruz, a la Cruz en que dio su vida por nosotros. Nos acercamos a la Cruz para experimentar, después del ayuno de cuarenta días, la alegría de la Resurrección.

El Señor nos llama imperiosamente a reconciliarnos con Él, ya que éste es el tiempo favorable para hacerlo, efectuando un profundo cambio en nuestras vidas, una verdadera conversión y renovación Pascual que exige una ruptura con el pecado y con el “hombre viejo,” y a la que sólo podremos llegar por medio de la oración, la penitencia, y la caridad fraterna.


Habrá tres Misas parroquiales (8:30am, 5:30pm, y 7pm) cuando se bendecirán las cenizas de las palmas y olivos que fueron bendecidas el Domingo de Ramos del año pasado. Esa misma ceniza, símbolo de la nada de las cosas humanas, y que nos recuerda lo que somos y lo que seremos, nos será impuesta a cada uno de nosotros, sobre nuestra cabeza, signo de la penitencia de este tiempo fuerte que hoy comenzamos.




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