December 7: Advent and St. Ambrose

“Rains came down, floods rose, and gales blew.” (Matthew 7, 27) Sounds familiar here in the Northwest this week, doesn’t it?

Apart from weather storms, we can also be struck by storms of a different kind – no matter where in the world we live. The Church herself has been through quite a few storms in recent years, and the effects are still felt. As individuals, we can find ourselves battling against the elements of life, as we struggle in one shape or form, for one reason or another. Why would Jesus warn us that we will, at some time, have to face the storms of life? He wants to help us survive them!

When the storms come, will we find ourselves tossed about helplessly, or will we be able to withstand them and move through them and beyond them? Jesus really does want to be our rock when the storms come. If we listen to His words and try to act on those words we will remain standing even when storms break around us.

This Advent season Jesus brings us back to the basics, the doing of God’s will as He has revealed it for us. If we keep on returning to this focal point, He will see to it that we endure, regardless of the strength of the storms.


As the old adage goes: “Try something new … instead of always telling God how big and powerful your storms are, try telling your storms how big and powerful your God is!”


The Church celebrates the memory of St. Ambrose today. It is said that he lived simply, wrote prolifically, and had a deep love for the Mass. He found time to counsel an amazing range of public officials, pagan inquirers, confused Catholics, and penitent sinners. Among the many who came to the faith under St. Ambrose’s influence was a young convert by the name of (St.) Augustine. Nearly 1,700 years after he lived, St. Ambrose’s writings remain an important point of reference for the Church; he is one of the Doctors of the Church, whose teaching all bishops should “in every way follow.”

For more on St. Ambrose:




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