December 3: The Feast of St. Francis Xavier

Saint Francis Xavier 

Francis Xavier was born into a Basque family in 1506 and by 1525 he began his studies at the University of Paris. His roommate was Peter Faber, a young man from the Savoy region of France. Four years after the two met, Ignatius of Loyola moved in with them and soon persuaded Faber to become a priest, but Francisco Xavier (as he was known) was more interested in a secular career and became a lecturer at the university. In 1533, Ignatius finally got through to Francis and won him over to work for God in what would become the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits). Eventually the group would increase to seven with Ignatius as their mentor. He inspired them to join him in the work of spreading the Gospel.

Francis spent the rest of his life doing missionary work, traveling as far as India and East Asia. He suffered extreme hardship and wore himself out with ceaseless activity, but lived a deeply spiritual life. There was never any doubt about his integrity and his zeal. He is remembered for his tireless efforts in proclaiming the Gospel in foreign lands and for his solidarity in word and lifestyle with the poor.

Let us pray. “Lord, you continue to send us to proclaim the Gospel to all nations, and have promised to always remain with us. Look upon your Church as she celebrates the feast day of St. Francis Xavier. Pour out the abundance of your Spirit upon your people so that we may offer a more authentic witness and truly be of service to our neighbors. Grant that, like St. Francis Xavier, we may ever be faithful to the Gospel and to give an answer to the hopes which the world places before your Church today. We ask this through the intercession of all your Saints and in the name of Jesus, your Son. Amen.”

Thursday Bonus: An Advent Prayer

What have we done, Lord? What have we made of your mystery?

   Your timeless mystery entering time,

   your life divine now one with ours,

   your Father’s word upon our lips,

   astir in our thoughts, aflame in our souls,

   mending our brokenness, making us one…

In these Advent days and evenings, Lord,

draw us away from the bright and shiny

into the mystery of winter’s night sky

to wonder in awe at your timeless love,

spoken so simply in Jesus’ name,

announcing forever that you are our God

and we are your people, saved by your Word. Amen.

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