December 19: St. Mary

In the Gospels, Jesus is described as “the one who will save His people from their sins.” To save us is, indeed, why He came! And in order to do so, although He was God from eternity, He chose to take on our humanity, fully and in the flesh, by being born of a mother.

St. Mary’s role and mission were to give birth to the Redeemer of the human family. In order to become the mother of the Savior, she was enriched by God with gifts appropriate to her role. The angel Gabriel saluted her as “full of grace” – one who, by God’s grace, was made ready for her great mission in life.

In this final full week of Advent, we remember that God prepared Mary – and we too are prepared for what is asked of us. This principle (that God prepares those whom He chooses for their role and mission) is true for all of us. We are chosen and called to holiness. God is constantly preparing us for works of service and for a particular manner of life. And God does this by giving us Jesus to be our Lord and guide, by giving us the support of the Church and her Sacraments, by nourishing us with His Word, by giving us the example of the holy ones (like our Mother), and by strengthening us with His grace to cooperate with His saving will.

Let us pray. “Most holy and Immaculate Virgin, “Help of Christians,” we place ourselves under your motherly protection. Throughout the Church’s history you have helped Christians in times of trial, temptation, and danger. Time and time again, you have proven to be the Refuge of sinners, the Hope of the hopeless, the Consoler of the afflicted, and the Comforter of the dying. We promise to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, your Son, to proclaim His Good News of God’s love for all people, and to work for peace and justice in our world. With faith in your intercession, we pray for the Church, for our families and friends, for the poor and abandoned, and for all the dying. Grant, O Mary, “Help of Christians,” the graces which we need. May we serve Jesus with fidelity and love until death. Help us and our loved ones to attain the boundless joy of being forever with our Father in heaven. Amen.”

Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us!

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