December 17: The Day of the Lord

On this Third Sunday of Advent, we rejoice with people of faith everywhere in the “glad tidings” our Savior has brought to us and to all the world. St. Thomas Aquinas said,  “As we experience God’s love for us, we grow in love for God—and this ‘exchange of love’ is what produces joy in us.” Well-assured that (with God) all manner of  things will be well, we place our very lives in God’s care today and we ask for His mercy and peace as Christmas draws near.

Perhaps we all know this from experience: there are a lot of people who live in darkness and poverty, and who lack real freedom because of their bad choices or the bad choices of others; there are many who are deafened and blinded by the cheap attractions of the world; and there are many others who feel lonely, unwanted, and rejected. Our mission (first of all by virtue of our Baptism) is to take the light of Christ wherever we go, in order to illumine the lives of others. Today and during the final week of Advent: to whom shall we take His light through our sharing, our love, our overflowing mercy, our unconditional forgiveness, and our humble service?

Let us pray. “Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, ever faithful to your promises and ever close to your Church: the earth rejoices in the hope of the Savior’s coming and looks forward with longing to His return in glory. Prepare our hearts, fill us with His light, and remove everything that hinders us from feeling the joy and hope which His presence will bestow, for He is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.”

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