August 20-21: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

As we have heard on recent Sunday’s, since chapter 9 of St. Luke’s Gospel, Jesus is making His final sojourn toward Jerusalem. This journey is not a traditional pilgrimage, in that He is not going up to the Temple to fulfill a religious duty. He is going there to face His Passion (death and Resurrection) head on.

On the way there, according to St. Luke, Jesus visits various cities and villages in order to “teach.” He wants to communicate to the people that God is a good Father who offers salvation to all of His children. He tells them that all are invited to receive God’s forgiveness – and His message surprises everyone. Sinners, for example, are filled with joy to hear Him speak of God’s unfathomable goodness.

On one occasion, someone from the crowd interrupts Him, to ask Him about how many people will be saved, in the end. Will they be few? many? everyone? only “the just?” Jesus doesn’t answer the question directly. Apparently, what is not important is knowing exactly how many will be saved. What is important and even decisive is living with a clear and responsible attitude, then acting accordingly, in order to welcome the salvation that comes as a gift from that good Father (about whom He has been teaching).

Jesus says: “If the number of those saved is what matters to you, then think again, because that’s not what I want you to preoccupy yourself with. I want you to think instead of those whom you may have thought are beyond the scope of God’s mercy … especially if you have thought that very thing about yourself. The invitation to “enter by the narrow gate” can be read in light of another saying of Jesus: “I am the gate; the one who enters through me, will be saved.” (John 10, 9). Entering by the narrow gate, therefore, is “following Jesus” – learning to live as He did, taking up His Cross each day, and trusting the Father who will (and now has!) has raised Him from the dead.

Are any of us still preoccupied with how many will be saved? Isn’t it time to think again? Isn’t it time to start living with a clear and responsible (Gospel-centered) attitude, then acting accordingly?



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