August 13: Sts. Pontian and Hippolytus

During the Roman persecutions of the third century, some Christians were sentenced to forced labor in metal or salt mines. They marched to the mine shafts two by two, chained together with murderers, political prisoners, thieves, and slaves. Some walls in the mines had words scratched on them to express messages of faith to other suffering Christians. An example is: “You will live in Christ.” Today’s Saints, Hippolytus and Pontian, were among those forced into such hard labor.

St. Hippolytus was the most important writer in the Church in his time, but he wanted the Church to be very strict with sinners. When Pope Callistus chose to be forgiving, St. Hippolytus gathered followers and became what is called an “antipope.” In 230, St. Pontian became pope, but St. Hippolytus refused to change his severe position. Even St. Pontian could not change him.

It was in 235, under the persecution of the emperor Maximus, that St. Pontian was sentenced to hard labor in the mines of Sardinia. That same year, St. Hippolytus was likewise. Finally, the forgiving love of Christ penetrated his heart and he was reconciled to St. Pontian. The two of them died in the mines, martyrs for Christ.

Let us pray. “O God, may the loyal suffering of your saints fill us with your love and make our hearts steadfast in faith. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. Amen.”


Bonus: Although he is not yet formally canonized, Fr. Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus has been Beatified. He may soon take August 13 as his Feastday on the Roman Catholic calendar. For more:

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