April 9: Easter Friday (in the Octave of Easter)

Have you heard of PADD? Paschal Attention Deficit Disorder?

Forty days of Lenten preparation for Easter culminated in a wonderful, grace-filled, and amazing Holy Week and Sacred Triduum. We were chiming out in joyous praise on Sunday morning … and now we find ourselves near the end of the Octave of Easter. Have the echoes of our Alleluias died? Have sweet hosannas lost their ring? How soon before the lilies droop? Have all the chocolate eggs been eaten? Is Easter’s song still in our hearts? Does Paschal grace still bloom afresh? Can we still taste and see the goodness of the Lord who rose for us? Do we really see that “the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord?” (Psalm 33)

Take a few minutes today to read Luke 24,13-35. These verses make up what we know as “The Journey to Emmaus.” (By the way, verses 35-48 will be be used in next Sunday’s Gospel.) Notice how two of the disciples of Jesus, just hours after first hearing about the Resurrection, were already finding it hard to keep Easter’s song in their hearts: “It happened that while they were conversing and debating, Jesus himself drew near and walked with them, but their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him. He asked them, ‘What are you discussing as you walk along?’ Looking downcast, they stopped. One of them, named Cleopas, said to Him in reply, ‘Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know of the things that have taken place there in these days?’” (vv. 15-18) By late afternoon on Easter day, the two were already despondent and disillusioned! Yet, that is exactly where (and when) Jesus met them.

The central lesson of the Journey to Emmaus shouldn’t be lost on us: in His presence, through His Word, in their hospitality to a “stranger,” and in the breaking of the bread, their hopes were plentifully restored. They then responded by racing to share with others this Good News: He is risen! He is risen, indeed!

Let us pray. “Lord, help us not forget. Help us not let go of the joy of Easter. Help us hold within our hearts the gift of your presence, your Word, our call to welcome the stranger, and your grace in the Eucharist. Help us avoid PADD by receiving and handing on your Easter peace. Help us with your Spirit’s grace to keep fresh within our hearts the Gospel cry of Alleluia!  Alleluia!  Alleluia!

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