April 8: The Easter Vigil

The Easter Vigil is the high point of the Easter Triduum (“the Great Three Days” in Holy Week) and also the high point of the whole Catholic year. The Vigil celebrates in profound and meaningful ways the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus. With a rich display of symbols, rites and readings, the Church in worship expresses her faith in the mystery that brings her into being.

The Vigil opens with the lighting of the Easter fire and the Easter candle (ritual elements which go back to rites that long preceded Christianity). The candle, carried with loving reverence and lyrically praised in word and song, is a sign of Christ, “the Light of the world,” and celebrates the victory of light over darkness that humanity has ever longed for.

A series of Scripture readings recalls the great interventions of God in history, from creation to the redemption of Israel from Egypt, and ends with the story of Jesus’ Resurrection. The great “Alleluia” proclaims with quiet joy the triumph of God’s Son. Those who have been  preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation, as is true in our parish this year, are Baptized, Confirmed, and welcomed to the Table of the Lord to receive the Eucharist for the first time.

The Church’s invitation is this: “Rejoice!” The Vigil on this night brings before us the deepest symbols of our hopes and fears. The darkness has been overcome by light. A lamp has been been lit; a fire is enkindled in our hearts; nourishing water flows through our lives; the Sacraments bring us to life again. “Rejoice!” this night says to all creation. The Word, who made all things, freshly proclaims God’s promise of life. All creation celebrates God’s love.


A brief summary of the Easter Vigil (and why you should go): https://catholic-link.org/if-youve-never-been-to-easter-vigil-mass-heres-why-you-need-to-go/


For a step-by-step guide to the Easter Vigil: https://aleteia.org/2018/03/31/heres-a-step-by-step-guide-to-the-easter-vigil/

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