April 16: The Day of the Lord

At first, as we hear in John 20, 19-31, St. Thomas refused to believe that the others had seen the Risen Lord. He demanded definite and demonstrable, tangible proof. Jesus gave him the proof he needed. “Put your finger here,” He said, “and feel my wounds.” Jesus readily forgave St. Thomas’ fears and doubts and He forgives our fears and doubts too. The Lord is constantly offering us a fresh start. We are invited to say in our turn, “My Lord and my God.”

As is true at every celebration of the Mass, today we meet with the risen Christ, just as St. Thomas and the other Apostles did. Sharing in the Eucharist is our statement of loyalty, our act of personal and shared faith. In praying together we help each other’s faith and strengthen our Christian community. Notice how similar it was in the earliest days of the Church. It was because the members of the early Church in Jerusalem met in public for prayer and were filled with joy, that so many others came to believe and the Church grew steadily in those early, Spirit-filled days.

For our reflection this week: The Gospel episode in John 20 ends with a message for all who have received the gift of faith: “Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.” Our faith is a gift from God. But it is not an inert gift that can we lock away like some precious heirloom. It is a living gift that needs nurturing, to grow and mature. No one else can do our believing for us. So, like St. Thomas, we may continue to struggle with doubt and uncertainty, but through faith and trust in Jesus, we can experience the peace and joy that come from “knowing” the risen Christ.

Let us pray. “Lord Jesus, help us to know you better and love you more – each day. You call us to testify to the reality of your Resurrection and to share the Good News of the Father’s mercy and forgiveness. We beg you to remain with us, console us, and inspire us to be instruments of you peace. You live and reign with the Father for ever and ever. Amen.”


For more on Divine Mercy Sunday: https://www.dolr.org/events/divine-mercy-sunday-2023

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