April 11: All Your Heart / Todo Tu Corazón

See if you see a trend emerge in these passages from St. John’s Gospel. “The Father loves the Son and has entrusted everything into his hands.” “The Father loves the Son and shows Him all that He is doing.” “Jesus knew that the Father had put everything into His hands.” “All that the Father has is mine.” “Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you.” And “All I have is yours, and all you have is mine.”

Having been given everything by His Father, Jesus, in turn, has given everything to us: “I have made known to you everything I have learned from my Father” (John 15, 15). The trend? The words “everything” and “all” seem to be God’s kind of words!

Jesus’ use of “everything” and “all” had a precedent in the fundamental command found in the prayer Schema Israel: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6, 5) From of old, God has never had an interest in how much “it” amounts to, so long as it is everything. Recall that the widow’s mite was “all she had to live on” (Mark 12, 44). We may not have much, but when we give everything we have – when we invest ourselves fully in the faith – we are being drawn into the very life of God. And what a joy that is!


“Quien cree en el Hijo del Hombre, tiene vida eterna,” nos dice Jesús. Sí, creemos en Él, pero el tiempo Pascual nos está recordando que debemos creer con una fe activa, una fe que traduce nuestras creencias en acción y en vida. Según Deuteronomio 6, 5: “Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, y con toda tu fuerza.” Esa es una manera profunda de dar testimonio de Cristo Resucitado.

Oremos. “Padre, te pedimos que nos des el Espíritu de tu Hijo para que sepamos vivir tu palabra y proclamarla fielmente, para que mostremos a Jesús, tu Palabra Viva, a los que todavía no le han visto ni oído. Te pedimos por el mismo Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.”

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