A Note from the Pastor

As many of you know, I am currently in the fifth week of a six-week regimen of chemotherapy (twice a day) and radiation (once a day). Please know that I am deeply grateful for your prayers. It is my joy to continue to celebrate the Mass every day for the intentions requested and for the whole parish. I am still, however, also praying with the parish pictorial directory open to a new page each day (today included everyone from Yvonne Jordan to Martha Kovach). The following is a reflection borrowed from The Word Among Us. I hope you find it fitting, like I did.

Today’s Mass offered a reading from the First Book of Kings 18,20-39 (it’ll help if you read it). Notice that Elijah went big with his prayers. He didn’t just recite rote words. He prayed for the Lord to do something dramatic—and believed that God would follow through. Now, we shouldn’t set up some life-or-death showdown like Elijah did, but we can go big with our prayers: “Lord, reveal your love to this person, and bring their faith alive.” “Holy Spirit, make your presence known to this person in a tangible way.” “Jesus, I believe you can heal my friend of cancer.” So go big in your prayers! Ask God for powerful solutions, always knowing that He will answer in His own way, in His own timing. You never know what might happen until you try!

“Lord, we pray boldly: please reveal yourself to us and to our loved ones!”

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