Month: October 2023

October 25 – November 2: All Souls Novena

We have begun our parish’s All Souls Novena. Please join us as we pray for the faithful who have gone before us.

“All-holy God, you call us, your people to holiness. As we keep the festival of your saints and

October 23: Following in Their Footsteps

God has blessed us with a genuine goodness. We, however, are completely free to turn away from that gift. We all sin. We all abuse our freedom in pursuit of what we think is “good for us.” God, meanwhile, is

22 de octubre: El Día del Señor

Cada ocho días, en la celebración de la Eucaristía, damos alabanza y acción de gracias a Dios, no sólo como pueblo suyo sino en nombre de toda la humanidad, ya que Cristo murió y resucitó de entre los muertos para

October 22: The Day of the Lord

When Jesus says, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s,” the appropriate response is to acknowledge that everything is God’s. Beyond that acknowledgement, His command really asks us whether we have invested our hearts

October 21-22: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

During the past few Sundays, we have seen Jesus attacking the religious leaders of His people for their failure to recognize in Him the Word of God, the power of God, and the compassionate love of God. All they could

October 20: Revealing God to Us

God is so “involved” with the details of creation that even the humble sparrow is not insignificant or forgotten (Luke 12, 1-7). Do you know there is a temptation for those in authority that the more exalted their rank, the

20 de octubre: El Amor de Cristo

“Nada hay cubierto que no llegue a descubrirse, ni nada escondido que no llegue a saberse.” (Lucas 12, 1-7) Nada escapa al conocimiento de Dios. Como dice el salmo 31: “Tú me sondeas y me conoces.” Hace tiempo decíamos

18 de octubre: San Lucas

Éste es el Evangelista San Lucas: un hombre procedente del insensible paganismo que se siente impactado por Cristo, el Señor, que se preocupa de los pobres y oprimidos. Como él es médico, le fascina también ese Hombre que es más