Month: June 2022

14 de junio: Haznos Misericordiosos

“Sean perfectos, como su Padre del cielo es perfecto.” ¡Meta no fácil de conseguir! Según Jesucristo, debemos salir de nosotros mismos para amar a todos y cada uno de nuestros hermanos, incluidos también nuestros enemigos (Mateo 5, 43-48). Hemos de

June 14: When Mercy Seasons Justice

A natural, human tendency is to be generous to people with whom we shared personal feelings of warmth and affection. This is natural, but not exceptional. Jesus urges us beyond our comfort zone and to show signs of good will

June 13 / 13 de junio: St. Anthony (San Antonio)

The Church today honors the memory of the Franciscan priest St. Anthony of Padua. He is widely acclaimed and very popular, although it is a sadness that he invoked by many today only when they have trouble finding lost objects!

June 12: The Holy Trinity

Speaking on Trinity Sunday in Rome, Pope Francis said that celebrating the Trinity is “not so much a theological exercise, but a revolution in our way of life. God, in whom each person lives for the other in a continual

June 11-12: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

Still riding the wave, so to speak, of “the Feast that does not end” (Pentecost), we will gather this weekend to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

Who has not wondered and reflected on what it means

June 9-10: Being Quiet and Listening Carefully

“At the mountain of God, Horeb, Elijah came to a cave, where he took shelter. But the word of the Lord came to him, ‘Go outside and stand on the mountain before the Lord; the Lord will be passing by.’

9-10 de junio: La Consagración Sacerdotal

Todos nosotros y todos los cristianos en el mundo, por el hecho de estar Bautizados, gozamos y participamos de “la consagración sacerdotal” de Cristo, tal como nos dice el Ritual del Bautismo. Al momento de la Unción Postbautismal (con el

June 7-8: Healing

On the second Wednesday of each month, we celebrate the Sacramental Anointing of the Sick (right after the conclusion of the 8:30am Daily Mass). All who are weighed down by immediate illness (physical or mental), chronic illness, the effects

7 de junio: Regresamos al Tiempo Ordinario (p. 2)

Tras la cincuentena Pascual, proseguimos “el tiempo ordinario.” No es decir que vamos a olvidar todo lo que hemos celebrado desde el Domingo de la Resurrección, pero vamos a regresar por un rato al “ministerio público” de Jesús, antes de