Month: July 2021

July 27: Praying for the Sick

During his recent hospitalization, Pope Francis exchanged affectionate messages with the young patients in the nearby pediatric oncology and children’s neurosurgery wards, according to the Vatican. The Holy Father, who is still recovering from surgery, also received handwritten get well

27 de julio: Oremos por los Enfermos

El Papa Francisco continúa recibiendo mensajes de afecto y cercanía mientras sigue recuperando después de su cirugía el 4 de julio. Entre los recientes mensajes dirigidos al Santo Padre destacó una afectuosa carta escrita por los niños internados en el

July 26: Feast of St. Joachim and St. Anne

Today, July 26th, the Church remembers St. Joachim and St. Anne, the parents of the Virgin Mary. Despite the importance of their role as the maternal grandparents of Jesus, we do not know too much about them; they are not

26 de julio: Fiesta de San Joaquín y Santa Ana

Cada 26 de julio la Iglesia Católica celebra la Fiesta de San Joaquín y Santa Ana, padres de la Santísima Virgen María y abuelos de Jesús. Ellos dos -considerados santos patronos de los abuelos – fueron personas de profunda fe

July 24-25: Preparing for this Weekend’s Mass

Although we are reading almost exclusively from St. Mark’s Gospel this year (Sunday after Sunday), the Church offers us a brief stretch during the summertime to visit the Gospel of St. John. Specifically, for five weeks, we will devote ourselves

23 de julio: Las Parábolas

¿Qué son las parábolas de Jesús? Las parábolas son relatos, historias escuetas, claras, y sencillas; su finalidad es transmitir una enseñanza del modo más comprensible y fácil de recordar. En casi todas, destaca la pequeñez de los comienzos y el

July 23: Parables

Although we usually think of Biblical parables as the brief “stories” told by Jesus, the Greek word for parables is also rendered “figures of speech.” These include proverbs, sayings, riddles, and the like. At its simplest, a parable is a 

July 22: Mary of Magdala

In the long tradition of the Church, including its artistic tradition, St. Mary Magdalene has generally been portrayed as “the repentant sinner.” This is largely due to her being mistakenly identified with the sinful woman who washed the feet of

22 de julio: Fiesta de Santa María Magdalena

La Santa de hoy, Santa María Magdalena, goza de “buena prensa.” La literatura, la música, y el cine la han presentado como una mujer de corazón ancho, una enamorada de Jesús, testigo en primera línea de su muerte y Resurrección, …