Month: September 2022

September 10-11: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

The Scripture readings on the 24th Sunday of the Church’s year invite us to treasure the gift of the loving, patient, merciful, and forgiving way God treats us. The Good News Jesus preached was that our God is not

September 9: St. Peter Claver

The Church celebrates today St. Peter Claver, a Jesuit missionary who spent his life in the service of African slaves brought against their will to South America during the 17th century.

He joined the Jesuits as a young man

9 de septiembre: San Pedro Claver

San Pedro Claver nació en España en 1580. A los 19 años decide ser Jesuita (la Sociedad de Jesús). Mientras estudiaba filosofía, se encuentra con San Alonso Rodriguez, quien recibió por inspiración de Dios conocimiento de la futura misión del

September 8: The Feast of the Nativity of Mary

Although there is no historical record of the birth of Mary, the Church does believe that, from the very moment of her conception, she was totally free from sin and remained free of sin for her whole life. The logic

September 7: The Gospel of the Underdog

St. Luke’s Gospel has been affectionately referred to as “the Gospel of the underdog.” Throughout the book, St. Luke calls upon all believers to identify with the master Jesus, who is caring and tender toward the poor and lowly, the

7 de septiembre: Somos Amados

Una de las características claves del Evangelio de San Lucas es la manera en que Jesús hizo en su vida un lugar especial para los pobres, humildes, y marginados, a quienes nadie cuidaba en su entorno. Lo que Él quiere

September 6: Jesus Went Into the Mountains to Pray

In Luke 6, 12-19, we are told that Jesus went up into the mountains to pray and spend the whole night there in prayer to God. Some might wonder what Jesus would have to pray about. Such a question may

6 de septiembre: Subió Jesús a la Montaña a Orar

“En aquel tiempo, subió Jesús a la montaña a orar, y pasó la noche orando a Dios. Cuando se hizo de día, llamó a sus discípulos, escogió a doce de ellos y los nombró Apóstoles…” (Lucas 6, 12)
