Month: April 2024

April 23: The Acts of the Apostles, part 2

From early on in the Acts of the Apostles, St. Peter is shown to have great courage, pointing the way forward for the Church. That courage was certainly not there for St. Peter, at least not fully, through much of

April 22: The Acts of the Apostles, part 1

By his own admission, St. Luke was Divinely inspired to write his Gospel for this reason: “Since many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the events that have been fulfilled among us, just as those who were eyewitnesses from

April 21: The Day of the Lord

A Prayer for Good Shepherd Sunday: “O God, you never cease to call your people, even those far away, for it is your will that all be drawn into one fold. Attune our ears to the voice of your Son,  

20 de abril: El Día del Señor

Hay dos experiencias básicas, fundamentales, y profundas que todo cristiano debe tener en su vida, si quiere considerarse tal. La primera es sentir a Cristo vivo, Resucitado de entre los muertos. La segunda es sentirse hijo/hija de Dios y,

19-20 de abril: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical

La vida “nueva” del cristiano, producida por Dios en la Resurrección de su Hijo, es una realidad maravillosa que debería manifestarse en gestos, signos, y actitudes. Pero no siempre sucede así. Por ello se necesitan personas que manifiesten concretamente en

April 19-20: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

The longstanding tradition of the Church is to celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Easter as Good Shepherd Sunday. Obviously, we continue to reflect on the meaning of the Resurrection, but added emphasis is given this weekend to celebrating the Risen

April 18: The Eucharist: What are we to do?

“Do this in remembrance of me.” We hear these words every time we gather at the Table of the Lord to celebrate the Mass. The words are from Jesus and He offers them to us in the form of a …

April 17: Dedicated and Committed Discipleship

Easter celebrates the faithfulness of God to His Son Jesus, and the faithfulness of Jesus to all of us. True to His promises from of old, the Father never abandoned His Son, raising Him from the tomb and giving us

April 15-16: The Bread of Life / El Pan de Vida

We have about 40 or so young people who are making their final preparations for their First Communion this spring. One of the things they are learning is that there is a great difference between ordinary bread (with a short

14 de abril: El Día del Señor

Hoy, como en el tiempo de los Apóstoles, las condiciones no son las mejores para descubrir a Dios. Parece, como en la barca en el lago, que hay muchas olas y parece que nos hundimos. La obscuridad del mundo