Month: January 2024

January 16: Snow and Ice

After receiving an Ice Storm Advisory, we have closed the parish office and the parish school. Please be careful if you have to be outside.

La oficina parroquial y la escuela están cerradas hoy. Cuídense si necesitan estar afuera.

January 15: MLK Jr. Day

Why is it that we don’t tend to think of love when we think about our politics or addressing conditions of injustice or inequality in our society? Too often, we think of love as something personal, an affection or a

January 14: The Day of the Lord

When Jesus said to Andrew and his companion, “Come and see,” He was opening wide an important door for them. He was opening the door to discipleship and, eventually, to their salvation. He was opening the door to the

14 de enero: El Día del Señor

Aun antes de que pudiéramos conocerle, Dios nos llamó por nuestro nombre, al ser Bautizados. Nos llamó a ser sus hijos e hijas y nos dio a cada uno de nosotros una tarea en la Iglesia. La “vocación” no se

10 de enero: Disponibilidad para Servir

Después de la festividades Navideñas, hemos regresado al Tiempo Ordinario de la Iglesia. La Palabra de Dios “hecha carne” ha vendido, pero estamos descubriendo que hay tantas formas en las que Dios continúa hablándonos en la vida.

En un mundo

January 10: Availability to Serve

As we make our way from the joyous Christmas season to Ordinary Time, we do well to remember that Jesus may have been the co-eternal Son of God, but in His humanity could only be in one place at a

January 9: How Important is Prayer for Us?

There are several moments in the Gospels when Jesus withdraws from the crowds and even His disciples in order to pray (alone). Occasionally, He would use this time to prepare for an important task, to recharge after having done something