Month: June 2021

June 18: Sowing “The Good”

Our faith moves from Sunday’s Mass to the rest of the week, from prayer to action, when we begin to learn to “look” more carefully for God’s loving presence – beyond the walls of the church building. The fact is

17 de junio: Dando Testimonio de Dios

La Evangelización (el compartir la Buena Noticia de Jesús) en estos meses y posiblemente años posteriores a la pandemia debe empezar de nuevo en nuestros hogares y vecindarios. Si tenemos ojos para ver, podemos ver que esto ya se está

June 17: May We Live the Gospel with Courage

Does “the call to justice” include even our finances, how we earn and spend our money, and how we take care of the environment? Of course!

All the parts of economic life are opportunities to seek justice and pursue peace.

16 de junio: Buscando y Encontrando a Dios

Para quienes aprenden a mirar atentamente, el mundo está lleno de la presencia de Dios y el darse cuenta de esos signos es el mejor modo de superar los sentimientos de desilusión. Incluso las cosas cotidianas, que a veces

June 16: Restore us, Heal Us, Remind Us

How do we connect worship on Sunday to life on Monday? How is “Gospel justice” proclaimed in our everyday lives here in North Portland? Being a believer means that we live a certain way – walking with the Lord, doing

15 de junio: “Para Dios, Nada es Imposible.”

En el Evangelio (por ejemplo, Mateo 5, 34-38)) Jesús nos enseña que “Han oído ustedes que se dijo: Ama a tu prójimo y odia a tu enemigo; yo, en cambio, les digo: Amen a sus enemigos, hagan el bien a

June 15: Biblical Justice and the Jubilee

How is the Gospel proclaimed, not only in the pulpit of our parish, but also in our everyday lives here in North Portland?

The Old Testament notion of “jubilee” was a reminder that God, the Creator of all, was the

June 14: Pursuing Peace and Seeking Justice

The central questions this week and every week are: How do we connect worship on Sunday to life on Monday? How is the Gospel proclaimed not only in the pulpit of our parish, but also in our everyday lives

14 de junio: Sembrando Semillas de Justicia y Paz

Somos una familia humana cualesquiera que sean nuestras diferencias nacionales, raciales, étnicas, económicas, e ideológicas. Somos los custodios de nuestros hermanos y hermanas dondequiera que se encuentren. En el mero centro de la virtud de la solidaridad está la búsqueda

June 13: Living Justly and Witnessing to Justice

If we trust that it is true that we have a role to play, a mission to accomplish, when it comes to “planting the seeds of justice,” how does that role look in our everyday, very real lives? How can