Month: January 2021

January 15: Yearning for Life and Desiring to See Good Days

We recently received another hope-filled message from our friends and brothers at Mt. Angel Abbey. Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, a mentor for Fr. Mark many years ago, sent this, addressing these very difficult times we are in right now as a

14 de enero: Oración por Nuestro País

O Dios, en este momento crucial, queremos entregarte a nuestro país para que lo bendigas. Señor, bendice a nuestro país y a toda su población. Nosotros sabemos que tú tienes el control. Te pedimos que continúes poniendo tu mano en

January 14: American “Novena”

This “American Novena” is inspired by St. Joseph’s parish in Washington, D.C. The parishioners there are being asked to pray this litany between now and the inauguration of the new President on January 20th. May we unite with

13 de enero: “Señor, Enséñanos a Orar.”

Todos los seres humanos, estamos formados por una parte material que es el cuerpo y por una parte espiritual que es el alma. Tanto nuestro cuerpo como nuestra alma tienen una serie de necesidades. Solemos atender con mayor frecuencia

January 13: Prayer and a New Novena

In the Gospels, we frequently encounter one of the cornerstones of the public ministry of Jesus: prayer. For example, after we read about Jesus healing people around Him and casting out unclean spirits, we also read that “in the morning,

January 12: A Note From a Grateful Pastor

It was almost a year ago that I went in for a “routine” test and found that I had a cancerous tumor. In the intervening twelve months, I have seen a hospital room from “the pillow perspective” instead of the …

9-10 de enero: Preparándonos Para Celebrar La Misa

En el Evangelio que vamos a compartir el domingo que viene (Marcos 1, 7-11), el Padre proclama públicamente: “Tú eres mi hijo amado, en ti me complazco,” desde siempre y para siempre. Y derrama sobre Él todo el poder de

January 9-10: Preparing for Sunday’s Mass

St. John the Baptist can be our helper and “patron” as we prepare to celebrate this weekend’s Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The Baptist led a very austere life, dressed in the simplest of clothes, and sustained himself