Welcome to Holy Cross Catholic Church!

 ¡Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Santa Cruz!


Holy Cross Church is eager to be a part of your life and have you as a part of our life. We are committed to growing in the likeness of Jesus Christ, a daily process that requires prayer, sacraments, discipline and a community of individuals striving for the same goal.

La Iglesia Católica Santa Cruz está muy emocionada de ser parte de su vida y de tenerle a usted como parte de nuestra vida. Estamos comprometidos en crecer a semejanza de Jesucristo, un proceso diario que requiere de oraciones, sacramentos, disciplina y de una comunidad de individuo que luchan por el mismo objetivo.

Mass Schedule

Tues - Fri, 8:30am (Rosary, 8am)    Saturday Vigil, English, 5pm
Sunday, English, 9am
Sunday, Spanish, 12pm

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Become a Member

If you would like to become a member of our parish, please call us at 503.289.2834.

building our future - home image

Building Our Community ~ Blessing Our Future

Now is the time to turn our dream into reality.  Learn more!


Mask use in our parish church is optional but recommended. Masks are recommended in order to protect the more vulnerable in our community, like children and those with compromised immunities. If you are sick in any way or even feeling a little “under the weather,” please stay home! Our concern is for your good health and the good health of those in the pews around you. Thank you.

What's Happening

30 de marzo: La Verdadera Felicidad

¡Qué lejos estamos todavía del ideal: “Ser una sola mente y un solo corazón,” sea en nuestro mundo, o en nuestras familias, o en nuestras comunidades cristianas! Que el Señor nos reúna – todos juntos – en su amor. Estamos invitados a erradicar nuestro egoísmo y unirnos a Jesús en su entrega de amor. El […]

March 29: The Truth Will Set You Free

In the Gospel of St. John (8, 31-42), Jesus says, “If you make my word your home, you will indeed be my disciples, you will learn the truth and the truth will set you free.” Many of those who first heard Him say that, including the Pharisees, took umbrage at His statement. They claimed they […]

29 de marzo: La Verdad que Libera

Hace cinco semanas, el Miércoles de Ceniza, la Iglesia nos recordó: “Conviértete y cree en el Evangelio.” Cuando Jesús llama al discipulado (conversión y creencia) suele pedir renuncias muy fuertes en relación con la afectividad, el dinero, y el poder. Quien se siente llamado por Él entra en la encrucijada de elegir asumir los valores […]

March 28: Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering, of course, come to everyone, whether we are good, bad, or indifferent. Our nation is experiencing an epidemic of violence these days, the tragedy in Nashville, TN is just the latest episode, so to speak. Please join us in praying for the families and communities involved. Please ask, too, how much of […]

28 de marzo: Dolor y Sufrimiento

Dolor, sufrimiento, y muerte permanecerán siempre como escándalo y misterio, como algo difícil de soportar. El episodio más reciente aquí en E.U. es la violencia en Nashville, TN. Sin embargo, ahí está Jesús, que aceptó la Cruz para salvarnos. Somos discípulos de quien murió en la Cruz, ¿verdad?  Por más duro y difícil que sea, […]

March 27: Walking the Journey Together

Are we allowing Lent to teach us, again, that the constant calling of the Gospel is mercy, compassion, sympathy, and acceptance? Are we aware that all of the disciplines of this holy season are aimed at leading us to virtuous and noble ways – so that we might lead exemplary lives? Called to show mercy […]