Month: May 2023

May 27-28: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

There are many miraculous moments which mark the Resurrection, Ascension, and Descent of the Holy Spirit accounts brought to us by the Bible. Perhaps the most profound miracle (sometimes overlooked) is this: that of a bunch of cowardly, frightened people

May 26: St. Philip Neri

The Saint honored on the Church’s calendar today is St. Philip Neri, an engaging Italian priest known for his keen sense of humor and practical piety. He was a missionary and founder of the Congregation of the Oratory in Rome

26 de mayo: San Felipe Neri

San Felipe Neri era un sacerdote de Roma, que vivió en el siglo XVI. Fundó la congregación de los Oratorianos, para sacerdotes diocesanos. En tiempos de decadencia religiosa, hizo mucho para reavivar un verdadero sentido religioso y una auténtica devoción

May 25: That They May Be One

To say that John 17 is “a compelling read” is the understatement of the week! Jesus prays nearly continuously through what is called “the Last Supper Discourse.” He eventually prays (vv. 20-26) for all those who, through the influence of

25 de mayo: Que Todos Sean Uno

En el Evangelio de San Juan (capítulo 17), Jesús le ofrece al Padre una oración: “Que todos sean uno… Que el amor con que tú me amas esté en ellos, para que yo esté en ellos.” 

Si nosotros somos realmente

May 24: Humble, Giving, and Faithful

In this final week of the Easter season, we are reminded that if we want to give witness to the Gospel, we must be fully inserted into the world which surrounds us. The Gospel itself calls us to be

24 de mayo: La Humildad, la Entrega, y la Fidelidad

En capítulo 20 de los Hechos de los Apóstoles, San Pablo presiente que su muerte está cercana. Por eso, ante los lideres de Éfeso, realiza un balance de su vida apostólica. Esta emotiva “declaración de Mileto” sintetiza las tres

May 23 / 23 de mayo: A Prayer for Today

“Do not fear what will happen tomorrow: the same understanding Father who cares for you today will take care of you then and every day. He will either shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to

May 22: Saint Rita

The Church today celebrates the feastday of St. Rita of Cascia, who St. John Paul II called an “expert in suffering.” Known in Spain as “La Santa de lo imposible” (the saint of the impossible), St. Rita has become immensely