Month: January 2023

January 15: The Day of the Lord

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” St. (Mother) Theresa of Calcutta

When St. John the Baptist pointed to Jesus and proclaimed, “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin

January 14-15: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

As we prepare to celebrate the Second Sunday of the Church’s Year, here is an interesting fact about the Gospel writers (all four of them): they would have been familiar with a technique in Greek drama that provided the spectators

January 13: Open to Healing

Mark, 2, 1-12 recounts the compelling story of the day, early in His public life, that Jesus performed a miracle for a paralytic. Jesus had returned to Capernaum and St. Mark tells us that there were so many people gathered

13 de enero: Dando Señales

En la Biblia, a los milagros se les llaman “signos.” Son (como la curación del paralítico en Marcos 2, 1-12)  manifestaciones visibles de que algo importante ha ocurrido en el interior de la persona. En Marcos 2, el paralítico

12 de enero: Adoración

Adoración Eucarística es adorar a la divina Presencia Real de Jesucristo, Dios y hombre verdadero, en la Eucaristía.

Jesucristo, al comer la Pascua judía con los suyos, aquella noche en la que iba a ser entregado, tomó pan en sus

January 12: Adoration

Whether as a private prayer or shared with others, but still in quiet contemplation, the practice of Eucharistic Adoration invites us to pray in the presence of Jesus Christ under His appearance in the consecrated Host.

During Adoration, you

January 11: “Fill Us with Your Healing Love”

The first chapter of the Gospel of St. Mark offers us something like “a day in the public life of Jesus.” In 1, 29-39, for example, St. Mark mentions that “it was still the Sabbath” and, after the synagogue service,

January 10: Jesus Taught with Authority

In ancient times, the leaders of the Jews often laid heavy burdens on people’s shoulders and refuse to even lift a finger to help them. This is, in fact, one of the harshest criticisms Jesus directs toward those very leaders.

10 de enero: Jesús Enseñaba con Autoridad

En el Evangelio de San Marcos (1, 14-28, por ejemplo) San Marcos nos muestra el poder de Dios en acción, en Jesús, el Mesías. Es un poder al que se oponen los poderes del mal, un poder que debe luchar