Month: August 2020

August 13: Solidarity

The past five months have been filled with many more challenges than we could have expected at the beginning of this year. Who was thinking about social-distancing, masks, and stay-at-home orders back in January? Amid all of the surprising and

12 de agosto: Cuando Oramos

¿Qué pasa cuando oramos?

La oración internaliza la carga.

La oración nos obliga a esperar.

La oración abre nuestros ojos espirituales.

La oración se alinea nuestro corazón con el corazón de Dios.

La oración nos permite avanzar.

Cuando oramos:


August 12: A Prayer for “Whatever Happens”

Whatever may happen today, Lord,

no matter how hard it may be,

it will not, it cannot, put us beyond

your reach,

your arms,

your care.

Whatever may happen today, Lord,

no matter how frightened it makes us,

it will …

11 de agosto: La Fiesta de Santa Clara de Asís

Hoy celebramos la Fiesta de Santa Clara de Asís. Ella fundó, junto a San Francisco de Asís, la Orden de las Hermanas Pobres (clarisas), un instituto perteneciente a la Segunda Orden de los “hermanos menores” (franciscanos). Las

August 11: The Feast of St. Clare of Assisi

On Palm Sunday in the year 1212, a young girl from an aristocratic Umbrian family dramatically fled her family home to join Francis of Assisi and his brothers. In the valley below the town of Assisi, in the tiny

August 11: Flexibility Is A Great Virtue

“Trees look strong compared with the wild reeds in the field. But when the storm comes the trees are uprooted, whereas the wild reeds, while moved back and forth by the wind, remain rooted and are standing up again when

10 de agosto: El Don de la Esperanza

Hoy en día la esperanza es un don por el que la humanidad debe rogar constantemente. Al leer las noticias pareciera que el mundo está de cabeza. Todos los días despertamos con nuevos atentados terroristas, persecución de cristianos, denuncias de

August 10: Feast of St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr

By the middle of the third-century, hostility against the early followers of Jesus Christ was growing. The barbarism and severity of pagan Rome had begun to reach a fever pitch. Even as early as the days of the Apostles,

August 9: Help for the Govea Mariñez Family

United as a parish community, we are asking for help for one of our parish families: the Govea Mariñez family. Hilario Govea, father and husband, recently died from complications with Covid19. Your prayers for Hilario and his family are

8-9 de agosto: Preparándonos Par Celebrar la Misa

Las lecturas de la Misa del domingo nos van a invitar a entrar en el misterio de la voluntad de Dios sin plazos, sin prisas, sin nuestros prejuicios o medidas, sino confiados en la misericordia de Dios. San Pedro, que