Month: August 2020

August 8-9: Preparing for Mass this Weekend

Like many others, St Augustine saw the boat in today’s Gospel (Matthew 14,22-33) as the Church. He wrote: “This vessel which carries the disciples, the Church, is tossed and shaken by the tempest of temptation, and the contrary wind, her

August 8: Feast of St. Dominic

St. Dominic was born in Calaruega, Spain. After studying the theology and the arts, he became a member of the Religious Order known as the Augustinians. He successfully worked to combat heresy in France and became a successful preacher. In

8 de agosto: Fiesta de Santo Domingo

Domingo significa: “Consagrado al Señor.” Santo Domingo es el fundador de los Padres Dominicos, que son ahora 6,800 en 680 casas en el mundo. Nació en Caleruega, España, en 1171. Según los testimonios de sus compañeros, “Era el hombre de

August 7: We Are Precious to God

Following up on a post that appeared here last week: we are usually much harder on ourselves than others. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. St. Peter Chrysologus said, “The hand of the Creator that assumed clay

August 6: Adoration Day

When the news boggles the mind, Lord,
when it strains belief, troubles the heart,
and sickens the soul, then:

deepen our compassion,
anoint us with your wisdom,
energize our courage,
strengthen our resolve
and quicken our response
to plan, to

August 6: Prayers Requested

Tragedy in Lebanon: After a massive fire triggered a deadly explosion in Beirut on Tuesday, Pope Francis has called for prayers and a united effort to help Lebanon overcome this serious crisis. “Let us pray for the victims and their

6 de agosto: La Transfiguración de Jesús

Según los Evangelios, cuando Jesús está a punto de partir hacia Jerusalén para llevar a cabo su “éxodo” a través de su Pasión y muerte, la luz de su Resurrección se proyecta ya anticipadamente sobre Él en el misterio

August 6: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Have you ever thought about how powerful it is when we join with Christ in turning toward the Father? Have you ever thought about how Christ constantly intercedes for each of us and for all of humanity? At the Transfiguration

August 5: Hallow

Do you know what the #1, most popular phone “app” for Catholics is these days? It is called “Hallow.” One of the developers of the “app” says he asked priests, nuns, and others in Religious life if there was a

5 de agosto: La Basílica de Santa María la Mayor

Hoy, se celebra la consagración de la famosa Basílica construida en el año 432, en recuerdo del Concilio de Efeso, que en el año 431 había definido que María sí es “Madre de Dios.” Esta Basílica ha sido remodelada y