Welcome to Holy Cross Catholic Church!

 ¡Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Santa Cruz!


Holy Cross Church is eager to be a part of your life and have you as a part of our life. We are committed to growing in the likeness of Jesus Christ, a daily process that requires prayer, sacraments, discipline and a community of individuals striving for the same goal.

La Iglesia Católica Santa Cruz está muy emocionada de ser parte de su vida y de tenerle a usted como parte de nuestra vida. Estamos comprometidos en crecer a semejanza de Jesucristo, un proceso diario que requiere de oraciones, sacramentos, disciplina y de una comunidad de individuo que luchan por el mismo objetivo.

Mass Schedule

Tues - Fri, 8:30am (Rosary, 8am)    Saturday Vigil, English, 5pm
Sunday, English, 9am
Sunday, Spanish, 12pm

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Become a Member

If you would like to become a member of our parish, please call us at 503.289.2834.

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Building Our Community ~ Blessing Our Future

Now is the time to turn our dream into reality.  Learn more!


Mask use in our parish church is optional but recommended. Masks are recommended in order to protect the more vulnerable in our community, like children and those with compromised immunities. If you are sick in any way or even feeling a little “under the weather,” please stay home! Our concern is for your good health and the good health of those in the pews around you. Thank you.

What's Happening

31 de agosto: La Eucaristía

Una de las grandes aportaciones del Concilio Vaticano II fue impulsar el paso desde la “Misa” entendida como una obligación individual para cumplir un precepto sagrado, a la “Eucaristía” vivida como celebración gozosa de toda la comunidad para alimentar su fe, crecer en fraternidad, y reavivar su esperanza en Jesucristo Resucitado. Sin duda, a lo […]

August 30: Serving One Another

Back in the 1950’s & 60’s, when Christian Herter was governor of Massachusetts, he was running hard for a second term in office.  One day, after a busy morning chasing votes (and no lunch), he arrived at a church barbecue. It was late afternoon and he was famished. As the Governor moved down the serving […]

August 29: The Passion (or Martyrdom) of St. John the Baptist

Today’s liturgical celebration commemorates the death of John the Baptist (Mark 6, 17-29), which was in many ways an anticipation (or precursor) of the death of Jesus. From the time of their birth, the lives of Jesus and His cousin St. John were closely linked. From the very beginning, St. John paved the way for […]

29 de agosto: El Martirio de San Juan Bautista

La Iglesia celebra hoy el Memorial del Martirio de San Juan Bautista. Según el Evangelio de San Marcos (6, 17-29), Herodes Antipas retuvo encarcelado a San Juan en la fortaleza de Maqueronte. En el día de su cumpleaños lo mandó decapitar a petición de la hija de Herodías. De esta suerte, el Bautista, el Precursor […]

August 28: St. Augustine / San Agustín

Saint Augustine was born in northern Africa in 354. Despite being raised by a devoted Christian mother, he was a difficult child, and grew to be an atheist. A highly intelligent scholar who had received the finest education, he founded a school of rhetoric in Rome in 383. However, dissatisfied with the city, he moved […]

August 27: The Day of the Lord

Once upon a time, there was an irreligious farmer who gloried in his irreligion. He wrote a letter to a local newspaper in these words: “Sir: I have been trying an experiment with a field of mine. I plowed it on Sunday, the day the Christians observe as the day of rest. I planted it […]