Welcome to Holy Cross Catholic Church!

 ¡Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Santa Cruz!


Holy Cross Church is eager to be a part of your life and have you as a part of our life. We are committed to growing in the likeness of Jesus Christ, a daily process that requires prayer, sacraments, discipline and a community of individuals striving for the same goal.

La Iglesia Católica Santa Cruz está muy emocionada de ser parte de su vida y de tenerle a usted como parte de nuestra vida. Estamos comprometidos en crecer a semejanza de Jesucristo, un proceso diario que requiere de oraciones, sacramentos, disciplina y de una comunidad de individuo que luchan por el mismo objetivo.

Mass Schedule

Tues - Fri, 8:30am (Rosary, 8am)    Saturday Vigil, English, 5pm
Sunday, English, 9am
Sunday, Spanish, 12pm

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Become a Member

If you would like to become a member of our parish, please call us at 503.289.2834.

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Building Our Community ~ Blessing Our Future

Now is the time to turn our dream into reality.  Learn more!


Mask use in our parish church is optional but recommended. Masks are recommended in order to protect the more vulnerable in our community, like children and those with compromised immunities. If you are sick in any way or even feeling a little “under the weather,” please stay home! Our concern is for your good health and the good health of those in the pews around you. Thank you.

What's Happening

November 26: Hope Amid Change

“The only constant in life is change.” – Heraclitus (Greek philosopher of Ephesus who was active around 500 years before Christ) We live in a world of rapid and constant change. This is true whether we are facing a worldwide pandemic or not. And many find the pace and the frequency of change disconcerting and […]

November 25: Día de Acción de Gracias / Thanksgiving Day

Como personas de fe, sabemos que la oración tiene poder. Por eso, hoy en día, estamos invitados a hacer un compromiso de rezar por nuestros prójimos, especialmente por los que no tienen alimentos, los que están enfermos, y los que han tenido que abandonar sus hogares en busca de trabajo. Oremos. “Dios, nuestro protector y […]

November 24: St. Andrew Dung-Lac & Companions (bilingüe)

During his papacy, Pope John Paul II canonized a group of 117 martyrs who died for the Catholic Faith in Vietnam during the nineteenth century. The group was made up of ninety-six Vietnamese, eleven Spanish missionaries, and ten French missionaries. Eight of the group were bishops, fifty were priests, and fifty-nine were lay Catholics including […]

November 23: Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro (bilingüe)

Hoy en día celebramos la Fiesta del Beato Miguel Agustín Pro, sacerdote y mártir. Nació en 1891 en Zacatecas, México. Desde pequeño fue virtuoso y alegre. Entró en el noviciado jesuita a la edad de 20 años. Fue exilado durante la revolución mexicana. Ordenado en Bélgica en 1925, regresó a México en 1926 sabiendo que […]

November 22: St. Cecilia

Today we celebrate the Feastday of St. Cecilia. Franciscan Media has a short article on this young martyr and patroness of musicians: https://www.franciscanmedia.org/saint-of-the-day/saint-cecilia Let us pray. “Saint Cecilia, you were born into wealth but chose poverty; given into marriage, but chose virginity. Through your sacrifice, you converted your husband to the faith, and brought him to […]

22 de noviembre: Santa Cecilia

Hoy celebramos la Fiesta de Santa Cecilia. Ella logró que su marido (Valerio) respetara su virginidad y se convirtiera al cristianismo. Él fue bautizado por el papa Urbano, y, junto con su hermano Tiburcio, también convertido, dio sepelio a los mártires de la persecución de Turco Almaquio. Denunciados por esta práctica, ambos hermanos fueron decapitados. […]