Welcome to Holy Cross Catholic Church!

 ¡Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Santa Cruz!


Holy Cross Church is eager to be a part of your life and have you as a part of our life. We are committed to growing in the likeness of Jesus Christ, a daily process that requires prayer, sacraments, discipline and a community of individuals striving for the same goal.

La Iglesia Católica Santa Cruz está muy emocionada de ser parte de su vida y de tenerle a usted como parte de nuestra vida. Estamos comprometidos en crecer a semejanza de Jesucristo, un proceso diario que requiere de oraciones, sacramentos, disciplina y de una comunidad de individuo que luchan por el mismo objetivo.

Mass Schedule

Tues - Fri, 8:30am (Rosary, 8am)    Saturday Vigil, English, 5pm
Sunday, English, 9am
Sunday, Spanish, 12pm

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Become a Member

If you would like to become a member of our parish, please call us at 503.289.2834.

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Building Our Community ~ Blessing Our Future

Now is the time to turn our dream into reality.  Learn more!


Mask use in our parish church is optional but recommended. Masks are recommended in order to protect the more vulnerable in our community, like children and those with compromised immunities. If you are sick in any way or even feeling a little “under the weather,” please stay home! Our concern is for your good health and the good health of those in the pews around you. Thank you.

What's Happening

July 20 / 20 de julio: Good Soil / La Tierra Buena

Nuestra vida abierta a Dios, como “la tierra buena” (según Mateo 13, 1-9) hace que su Palabra pueda dar fruto en nosotros, con una vida reconciliada, humanizada, y humanizadora en Cristo y en su Evangelio. Cristo nos llama a reconocer que a veces somos tierra reseca, o llena de piedras, o cargada de espinos… Y […]

July 18-19: Peaceful, Steady, and Calm Perseverance

It is possible that many of us have been surprised on occasion by how God works so dramatically in our lives. It is unrealistic, however, to expect that God will reveal Himself to us in dramatic, life changing, and mighty ways all the time. While it is true that God works in this way, it […]

18-19 de julio: La Gran Familia de Dios

Jesús nos ha dicho, “Mi madre y mis hermanos son los que cumplen la voluntad de mi Padre del cielo.” (Mateo 12, 46-50) Jesús ha venido a nosotros a través de María, centro de su familia humana. A la vez, Él viene a inaugurar una nueva familia donde lo definitivo no son los lazos de […]

16-17 de julio: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical

El Evangelio de este domingo nos va a presentar las dos hermanas de Betania: Marta y María. Posiblemente espontáneamente, nos resulta más simpática Marta que María. Nos identificamos más fácilmente con ella: trabajadora, dispuesta, acogedora, y pendiente de lo que hace falta para que el ilustre invitado (su amigo Jesús) esté a gusto. María en […]

July 16-17: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

In our very action-oriented society we may tend to sympathize with Martha slaving away in the kitchen while her sister Mary seems to just sit looking dreamily into Jesus’ eyes. The situation may look less than ideal, but we must remember that the Gospel includes this episode in the life of Jesus in order to […]

July 15: St. Bonaventure

The Church gladly celebrates today the Feastday of St. Bonaventure. He was a contemporary of St. Thomas Aquinas (they received their Doctoral degrees at the same time) and he also developed a friendship with St. Louis, King of France. In 1257, St. Bonaventure was chosen to serve as the superior of the Friars Minor (the […]