Month: February 2023

11 de febrero: Jornada Mundial del Enfermo

El Papa Francisco alentó este 11 de febrero, Jornada Mundial del Enfermo 2023, a imitar al Buen Samaritano para “cuidar a los enfermos y a quienes sufren.” Además, invocó la intercesión de la Virgen de Lourdes para que “bendiga a

February 11: World Day of Prayer for the Sick

On this Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Universal Church celebrates a day dedicated to praying for those who are sick. Pope Francis provides this reflection for this day:

“Mary’s intercession is like a spring of living water. ‘He

10 de febrero: Pan de Cada Día

Cuando rezamos el Padre Nuestro, le pedimos al Señor que nos dé nuestro “pan de cada día.” Eso se refiere no sólo a la comida o alimento de cada día, y a la Eucaristía, sino también a todo lo material

February 10: Serving God with Pure Love

St. Scholastica was born about 480 AD in Nursia, Italy, and was the twin sister of St. Benedict. She died near Monte Cassino about 543 AD. Almost everything we know about her comes from the Dialogues of Saint Gregory the

February 9: Breaking Through

Sometimes, an emphatic “no” comes in answer to our prayers. What’s up with that? Is it possible that the Lord says “no” for our protection, because it would be harmful for us to proceed ahead with our plans and not

February 8: Called to be Saints

We are all called to be saints: right here, right now, in our daily experiences. A saint is anyone who wants to spend eternity with Christ in heaven. You are a holy saint if you want to imitate Christ a

8 de febrero: Justicia, Paz, y Gozo

Los Mandamientos no son precisamente observancias que garanticen nuestra salvación. Son una respuesta a todo lo que Dios nos ha dado. Ofrecemos a Dios no lo que estamos obligados a hacer, sino lo que Él espera que hagamos para responder

February 7: Living Without Fear

The Holy Word of God (Mark 7, 1-13, for example) is always reminding us of this: the importance of having an interior disposition toward God in our life. While rituals and traditions are good, they can only be helpful if

7 de febrero: Vivamos Libres de Temores

Algunos lectores del Libro del Génesis, observando que Dios declara que las hierbas y semillas servirán de alimento (capítulo 1), mientras que de los animales no dice otro tanto, han querido entender que por naturaleza el hombre debiera ser

February 6: Te Deum

The Universal Church celebrates today the memory of St. Paul Miki and his companions. St. Paul was born in Japan, was the son of a Japanese military leader, and was educated at the Jesuit college of Anziquiama. He joined the