Month: May 2021

11 de mayo: Amor Puro, Incondicionado, y Gratuito

Recientemente, el Papa Francisco advirtió contra los amores mundanos, porque “amar como Cristo significa decir no a otros ‘amores’ que el mundo nos propone: amor al dinero, al éxito, al poder… Estos caminos engañosos nos alejan del amor al Señor.” …

May 11: Easter Grace

We have seen over the past six weeks that the Season of Easter is all about celebrating life. The season is a gift from God to help us see the new life that Christ brings us in His rising

10 de mayo: Fiesta de San Damián de Molokai

San Damián nació en Bélgica en 1840. Hasta los 19 años vive con sus padres, en ambiente campesino y allí, junto a su fortaleza física, se va desarrollando su personalidad y su vida de fe. El destino de su breve

May 10: Living Easter and St. Damien of Moloka’i

The “little things” in life provide us with glimpses of the sacred and they have much to teach us about the ways of God. Each day, we are invited to pay close attention to the in-breaking of God’s grace and

May 9: Mother’s Day / Día de las Madres

“O Gentle Lord and God, we pray in gratitude for our mothers, for those who have loved us with a mother’s love, and for all who have known the wonder of bringing forth new life. You, O God, who became

May 8-9: Preparing for this Weekend’s Mass

At the court of the Roman Emperor there was a select group of men who were called “Friends of the Emperor.” At all times, day and night, they had the right to enter into the presence of the Emperor. No

May 7: Easter Joy

We were delighted to return to the School Mass today – for the first time in over a year! Our sixth-grade class prepared the Mass and provided all the essential ministers. We thank Ms. Gritzmacher and Mrs. Weber for having

7 de mayo: La Pascua (una serie)

Nos felicitamos la Pascua. Cantamos la Pascua. Anunciamos de mil formas el misterio Pascual. Pero, ¿vivimos este misterio?

La regla de oro de la Antigüedad era amar a los demás como a uno mismo. Jesús dice que hay que amar

May 6: The Church in the Modern World

The “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World” (known in Latin as Gaudium et Spes), was one of the most significant documents to come out of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). It was not originally one of