Month: November 2022

20 de noviembre: El Día del Señor

Celebramos la Fiesta de Cristo Rey hoy y recordamos sus palabras: “Mi Reino no es de este mundo.” (Juan 8, 36) La meta de nuestra conversión es la entrada en el Reino. El buen ladrón (Lucas 23, 35-43) es ejemplo

November 20: The Day of the Lord

The Old English roots of the word “lord” are found along the lines of “master of a household, ruler, guardian, keeper, and superior.” In fact, the Old English hlaford is a contraction of the earlier hlafweard, literally “one who

November 19-20: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

We arrive at the end of the Church Year this weekend and we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. The Kingship of Christ is not political, it has no borders, and it has no respect for whatever is “national.”

November 18: A Prophetic Church / La Iglesia Profética

Jesus is an example of what the Biblical tradition calls “a true prophet.” He speaks as a messenger of God and is indeed God’s own Son. He stands, as did all the prophets of the Old Testament, as a counter-witness

November 17: Blessed Hope

In a recent essay called “Blessed Hope,” America Magazine editor in chief Fr. Matt Malone, S.J. explores Hope. He writes: “Faith and politics are not merely complimentary; they are inextricably intertwined. Each needs the other to be fully what it

17 de noviembre: Santa Isabel de Hungría

“¿Cuál es el lugar más rico de la tierra?” preguntó el maestro en la escuela. Los estudiantes nombraron varias ciudades de la tierra. El maestro descartó todas sus respuestas y dijo: “El lugar más rico de la tierra es el

16 de noviembre: ¿Qué Responderemos?

Al final de nuestras vidas, cuando el Señor nos pregunte qué hemos hecho con los ricos dones que Él nos ha dado, ¿qué responderemos? ¿Responderemos simple pero inadecuadamente, que no hemos hecho nada malo, o bien podremos decir que hemos

November 16: St. Margaret of Scotland

On November 16, the Church celebrates the feastday of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland. She was born into royalty in Hungary around 1045. Her father was Edward Atheling, heir to the English throne, and her mother was Princess Agatha of

November 15: St. Albert the Great / San Alberto Magno

We often look back with gratitude for the great teachers who have helped us through life, who have taught us well, and who have inspire us by their example. One such person is St. Albert the Great – who was