Month: October 2022

13-14 de octubre: Protegiendo la Vida

Cuando hablamos de nuestra necesidad de defender a la Vida, hablamos también de la importancia de formar la conciencia y la responsabilidad moral que le corresponde a cada católico de escuchar, recibir, y actuar según la doctrina de la Iglesia

October 13-14: Protecting Life

Since October is Respect Life Month, here are some Biblical reminders about the preciousness of the gift of Life. In Psalm 139, the psalmist writes, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

October 12: Everything is Grace

There is a very simple, yet very profound and beautiful quote by St. Thérèse of Lisieux: “Everything is grace.” Everything is indeed grace. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines grace like this: “Grace is favor, the free and undeserved

12 de octubre: Todo es Gracia

No nos podemos salvar solamente observando leyes y confiando en nuestras prácticas religiosas. Nos salvamos sencillamente por la bondad de Dios que se nos reveló en Cristo Jesús. Incluso nuestra fe es don de Dios, y esta fe nos librará

October 12 / 12 de octubre: Ukraine / Ucrania

The Church continues to appeal for an end the “spiral of violence and death” in Ukraine. Pope Francis recently said, “I deeply deplore the grave situation that has arisen in recent days … It increases the risk of nuclear escalation,

October 10-11: Pope St. John XXIII

We remember today Pope St. John XXIII. He was born into the Roncalli family and Baptized Angelo. Throughout his life, he cooperated with God’s grace, believing that the job at hand was always worthy of his best efforts. His

October 9: The Day of the Lord

The Word of God is eternal: it speaks to all people in all times. And yet, it is true that St. Luke and the other Gospel-writers wrote (by the hand of God) to a particular people in a particular

9 de octubre: El Día del Señor

Hay una estadística que dice: cada día damos las gracias más de veinte veces. Las damos cara a cara, por teléfono, por correo electrónico, y por text…. Muchas veces damos las gracias de forma automática, sin apenas darnos cuenta.

October 8-9: Preparing for Sunday’s Mass

As we gather to celebrate the 28th Sunday of the Church Year, we hear from the Second Book of Kings, Psalm 98, St. Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy, and the Gospel of St. Luke.

At this stage in St.